Ampnesia Thursdays At The Amp Featuring ATB and RuDee 9-27-2012 A Dodman House Review
At Dodman House we are on a quest to find the middle of the scene. A place where we can all meet centrally, on the same level without the hard push to the top, or the pull to the bottom.
Of course it all comes down to belief. If seeing is believing and reality is based upon perception, then we believe we are seeing the middle come to life with every new experience we are lucky enough to share at every event we attend. Our perception the night of ATBs return to Tampa is that the middle is taking shape at Ampnesia Thursdays in Ybor City, Tampa.
There was a great energy in the air as the door staff took our tickets and we entered the building. The pull of a soothing calm and vibrant energy said to us, from this moment on, everything is going to be alright. It washed over us as we quickly made our way up to VIP.
We went directly to the standing balcony stage right. Upon meeting people we immediately heard rave reviews about the opening sets by Ampnesia Residents DJs, Paul Santana and Chris Craze. Hearing this about friends who just played for the crowd put an immediate smiles on our faces and set the tone for us as we found comfortable spots, pulled out our camera and started snapping away. We looked down at the stage and there was RuDee doing a great job finishing up his set and pumping up the super excited crowd for THE MAN, his friend ATB. RuDee has had a solid 10 year working relationship with, ATB
ATB stepped on the stage and the wonderful energy we felt pulled everything towards the center and began to take shape. RuDee and ATB shared smiles, words, hugs and you could see how happy they were to be working the together. ATB commenced with his reign on the decks as the confetti exploded over the crowd on the famous Amp rotating dance floor. He played his beautiful melodies taking the ready and waiting crowd on the journey they came for.
ATB took us on a wonderful ride as he pushed his awesome positive energy out to the crowd. The floors were full of smiling faces and people dancing, some with their glowing lights. Many like us, had their arms around each other enjoying each moment as ATB reached out to touch all of us, from top to bottom and back to front! Newcomers to EDM and the veterans came together to enjoy sounds from a man who has been moving dance floors and making the charts as a solo artist since 1999.
The crisp sound had just the right amount of bass and the dazzling light show seemed perfect as tune after tune was dropped. We walked all around the venue and had fun running into old friends and making new ones. Always a good time when you walk through the crowd at a show where all you see is happy smiling people dancing their feet off!
ATB played new songs from his latest release Sunset Beach DJ Session 2 including a stand out favorite for us called " Never Give Up". He also sang at one point with his beautiful strong voice which we really enjoyed. Of course the classic crowd favorites were there, 9pm ( Till I Come Home) , As The Rush Comes and Ecstasy. His version of Cold Plays " Clocks" was hauntingly beautiful and Nirvana's " Smells Like Teen Spirit" had us jumping and down. He eased effortlessly between high energy tracks and the mellower tracks and that really made the difference in the beautiful energy he left with us and in us. When people leave an event understanding appreciation and everyone is smiling at one another you know it was a great time. As we left to get our car DJ Santana was taking the all smiles crowd for the close. A great way to end a perfect night.
Thank you ATB and Ampnesia.
Thursday 10-4-2012 RESIDENT NIGHT - Set Times: HAF 10 -11:45, SANTANA 11:45 -12:45, CHRIS CRAZE 12:45-1:45, & MONDO 1:45-Close
Thursday 10-11-2012 GARETH EMERY
Ampnesia Thursdays Weekly
The Amphitheatre
1609 East 7th Ave